5 Ways to Stay Strong When Society is Breaking

Reducing harm and staying (relatively) sane amid chaos

Tim Wise
7 min readDec 20, 2021


Photo by Echo Grid on Unsplash

It’s not your imagination — American civil society is in deep trouble. Some days it feels as though it’s falling apart altogether.

To review:

  • Right-wing parents are threatening school boards and teachers over honest discussions about racism in American history and COVID mask mandates.
  • Domestic right-wing terror plots and incidents are on the rise, eclipsing the threat posed by foreign or Islamist violence.
  • Eight in ten Republicans tell pollsters, “The traditional American way of life is disappearing so fast that we may have to use force to save it.”
  • According to one recent survey, as many as 21 million Americans believe Donald Trump should be restored to power by force.
  • Others openly ask when they “get to use the guns” to kill Democrats and liberals.

This is how a nation dies.

For years, I’ve signed copies of my books with the inscription, “Stay Strong.”

But what does that mean amid deliberate efforts to weaken the foundations of democracy itself?



Tim Wise

Anti-racism educator and author of 9 books, including White Like Me and, most recently, Dispatches from the Race War (City Lights, December 2020)