First, I don’t make a living from writing. I’ve lost 85 percent of my income, so I am just as nervous about the economic future as anyone. Secondly, this is not a reply to what I have written in this piece, which is about how certain folks are manipulating the data to push a false narrative. Why can’t you just repond to that? There is a perfectly good discusion to be had about what should be done, and how it should be accomplished. But lying and distorting what the facts say, so as to open back up, is neither honest nor advisable. As I note in the piece, doing so would not only be dangerous, it would also do nothing to help the economy, and could actually harm it even more. Meaning that even under the metric that you care most about, it wold be a bad move. I wish folks would actually read what I write carefully before responding, and then when responding not just engage in ad hominem silliness