Hi Will, just saw this. I really think you and I agree on a lot more than we disagree on, frankly. My anti-racism has been anti-capitalist for 30 years, though I realize I don't address class as directly in a lot of my work. My book Under the Affluence is specifically about the intersections of class and racism, and I've written several pieces here on medium where I make the point pretty clearly that whiteness was a trick played by the ruling class in the colonies to divide and conquer working class folks. I think where we disagree is in terms of what we do with that recognition. I will write more about this when I get a chance. I also am working on something in reply to your pieces on BLM/PLM, which I think, again, make some valid points, but where I also have some differences that I would gladly explore, respectfully if you're interested. Anyway, I appreciate your insights even when I disagree with them and wish you well...