I appreciate your perspective and also disagree, but respectfully, with it. I mean, part of it. My point is not to say that what she said was right or wrong for the moment. I am simply saying that the amplification of those comments by the right was entirely cynical (I think we agree on this), and the biggest takeaway is that it is THAT amplification that would be responsible for the jury hearing about it, if they even did. The odds of them having heard about it had the right not signal boosted it for cynical reasons is virtually nil. To suggest Waters and the right deserve equal blame, just so you can hold the center position to which you have claimed ground here on Medium is “both-sidesism” taken to a somewhat absurd place I think. At some point we really do have to treat such persons with more scorn than those like Waters whose point was clearly not a call for violence. To suggest it was KKK like (Dershowitz) is borderline psychotic, for instance. I realize you are not saying that. But my point is that when you have Waters on the one hand who is guilty, at most, of not thinking through the way her words would be twisted, and people on the right who want Chauvin acquitted or his appeal to overturn his conviction (and to discredit the entire push for police accountability), and that is why they amplified her words dishonestly, it is a stretch for me to make this about how both sides are awful. Or so it seems to me. But thanks for sharing your opinions here. It’s nice to read someone who disagrees with me about something but does it in a respectful and meaningful way. As I’m sure you know the comments sections around here can be pretty toxic!