It’s funny that you find black people who agree with your preconceived notions about black people and the black communty and hold them up as experts…meanwhile you ignore that the vast majority of black people disagree with the political and ideological positions of these black conservatives you mention. So you must believe that these black people — the majority by far — are too stupid to understand reality the way Sowell, et al do…fascinating. You want me to bow to Sowell but you dont expect Sowell to bow to the majority of black people who disagree with him. Why is that? Look, Ive written about the fatherhood single parent nonsense you spout, and the crime issue before…on this platform…if you really gave a crap about that stuff you would look for those pieces and read them. Because you are entirely wrong about both issues…black crime in general is down by 50–75% since the early 1990s. Black males are less likely to die from homicide today (per capita rate) than in 1950…and fertility rates for single black women are down by over 40 percent since the early 90s as well…your ALL-CAPS SCREAMING is not evidence pal…