Member-only story
When I say that racism is as American as apple pie or your Ford F-150, I mean that it’s as American as Mickey Mouse riding a Harley.
Eating a Big Mac.
I’m sure many people won’t like hearing that. But indignation is not a rebuttal.
In poker terms, it’s a tell.
The louder you object, not explaining why the claim is wrong, but with platitudes about how offensive the comment is, the more you confirm it.
Were the suggestion as preposterous as you might think, you could laugh it off the way you might if I were to accuse you of being a serial killer. You know where you were on all the nights those women went missing, after all, and can prove it.
There’s no need to get defensive when you have an alibi.
Right, America?
No, I’m not saying racism is only an American thing. It has existed elsewhere and still does.
I’m merely saying that nothing about it makes it a deviation from the American norm. It is the American norm and has been for a long time.