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Straight Pride and Other Bullshit
Forget for a moment that the group behind Boston’s proposed “straight pride” parade — slated for August — is populated by known bigots.
And for now, let us set aside the fact that the group emerged from another organization founded by a violent right-wing activist, currently facing felony assault charges in two states.
Even without that information, the mere existence of a “straight pride” parade as a thing should strike all reasonable people as absurd; which is why it makes perfect sense to the likes of commentator and Aryan Rage Barbie, Tomi Lahren.
That Lahren would find the concept of straight pride not only legitimate, but downright necessary tells us all we need to know about post-irony America.
Sadly, Lahren’s recent rant that “straight people aren’t allowed to parade their heterosexuality for all to see,” probably makes sense to more than we’d like to admit.
For instance, I’m certain it will ring true for those who lament the lack of a White History Month, conveniently overlooking the way in which most every month is exactly that already. Or those who wonder when their cable package will include a White Entertainment Network to rival BET because they can ignore how…