Thanks for this piece Walter. As someone who gets these kinds of threats (or wishes of harm, at the very least) every week, has been doxed repeatedly, and has had the FBI come to my door twice to warn me of credible threats to me and my family because of the things I write, I know this territory all too well. I also know that if writers allow bullies to silence us we have done their work for them. Anyone who isn’t willing to take risks to write truth shouldn’t write. It’s that simple. Yes, it sucks. And it shouldn’t be necessary. But fascists succeed more from the self-censorship of their targets than from actual censorship, although that increasingly happens too.
One does what one must to stay safe, and especially to keep one’s family safe. We have certainly had to do this and to adopt various safety protocols with our kids that no parent should have to devise with their children. To have your child, even as early as 4th or 5th grade know there are people who wish their parent harm — and that by high school that harm has been wished upon them too — is enraging. It’s also motivation to defeat these types of assholes more than ever.
One tip. I’ve discovered that, for me at least, finding a way to release the stress of hostile messages has been helpful. In my case, I occasionally gather together my hate mail and read it out loud, but specifically in the voice of Disney’s Goofy. Or, alternately, in the voice of an English aristocrat. If you are good with impressions, you might give this approach a whirl. I’ve noticed that when you read even the most vicious and hateful nonsense in a ridiculous voice, it takes the sting out, makes you laugh, and in my case at least, allows me to go about my day.