Trying to Change Trump Supporters is a Waste of Time

Oh sure, some are reachable, but there are better uses of our energy than trying to convert MAGA nation

Tim Wise


“Does this angle make me look like a douche?” Yes, very much so. Image: Wikimedia Commons

Don’t let the title fool you.

I’m not saying that all Trump supporters are indelibly wedded to their current hero, incapable of changing their minds or walking away from him or the ideology to which he has given voice.

After all, I am friends with several people who were once overt white supremacists, even Neo-Nazis, but who have turned their lives around and now fight against racism as hard as they once fought for it.

And if white power skinheads can move from the sickness of Nazism to a genuine belief in pluralism, surely MAGA folks can break free from the political personality cult in which they find themselves.

However — and this is the caveat that informs the title above — spending any significant time trying to be the source of their conversion is a waste of energy.

As for those friends of mine who used to throw up Heil Hitler salutes and now are working to undo the damage they caused? They’ll be the first to tell you that what changed them wasn’t some fact-based dialogue with a liberal.



Tim Wise

Anti-racism educator and author of 9 books, including White Like Me and, most recently, Dispatches from the Race War (City Lights, December 2020)