Well of course correlation does not equal causation, but correlations are how we do social science. And those studies (linked in the prior articles of mine, to which I linked here) all show significant evidence of racism, both overt and institutional (as do others I've linked to in previous articles as well as several books). You clearly didn't really follow the links and read them, or any others on the subject. These are not merely studies with aggregate data of racial disparities, which we are then assuming are all explained by racism. They are studies that test specifically for racism (in jobs and housing for instance), and which control for non-racial factors in the justice system and policing. Point is, when you control for those factors the evidence of ongoing racism is pretty overwhelming. And you present nothing to suggest otherwise. Not one shred of counter-evidence. Just your snark and opinion. Typical white denial — the same kind that white folks offered even before civil rights laws were on the books (then too whites thought there was no real problem). Accusing others of not understanding the social science when you present none, at all...and fail to point out even a single flaw in the ones presented, is precious sweetie...