You May Not Be Racist, But Your Political Ideology Is

A friendly, only mildly snarky letter to a white conservative

Tim Wise


img source: Pixabay

Dear white conservative,

I know.

You’re a good person.

You haven’t a racist bone in your body.

You once dated an Asian woman.

You have black friends.

You don’t see or think about color (well, except for the part where you’re making sure to mention your friends who are black), and you treat everyone the same.

I get it.

But despite how irrelevant your black friends are to the question of whether you might be racist — after all, straight guys can still be sexist and we date, sleep with and even marry women — and no matter how absurd and even harmful the notion of colorblindness is, this isn’t really about you.

This is about your ideology.

As the saying goes, this isn’t personal, it’s business.

And since business is about the bottom line, let me bottom line it for you: Irrespective of the decency and good intentions of individual conservatives, yourself included, modern American conservatism as an ideology is either inherently prone to racism, or at the very least furthers it in…



Tim Wise

Anti-racism educator and author of 9 books, including White Like Me and, most recently, Dispatches from the Race War (City Lights, December 2020)